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Target Exam





Fill Blanks


Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate option:-

Though Ramesh can ……………. to travel by air, he ………… train journey.


plan, enjoys

afford, prefers

decide, undertook

aspire, commute

Correct Answer:

afford, prefers


The correct option to fill in the blanks is afford, prefers.

The sentence is about Ramesh's financial ability to travel by air and his preference for train journeys. The word "afford" means "to have enough money to pay for something". The word "prefers" means "to like something better than something else".

The other options are not as appropriate:

  • Plan means "to make a detailed arrangement for something that will happen in the future". It would not be accurate to use "plan" in this context, as Ramesh does not plan to travel by air.
  • Enjoys means "to get pleasure from something". It would not be accurate to use "enjoys" in this context, as Ramesh does not enjoy traveling by air.
  • Decide means "to make a choice". It would not be accurate to use "decide" in this context, as Ramesh has already made the decision to travel by train.
  • Undertook means "to start doing something". It would not be accurate to use "undertook" in this context, as Ramesh has not yet started traveling by train.