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Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the highlighted idiom

The actress’ daughter is just a chip off the old block.


console the dreary

Similar to one's parents in behaviour

get into the enemy’s territory

chip off the edges

Correct Answer:

Similar to one's parents in behaviour


The most appropriate meaning of the highlighted idiom "chip off the old block" is >Similar to one's parents in behaviour.<

This idiom is used to describe someone who is very similar to their parents in terms of their personality, interests, or behavior. The image of a chip coming off a block is a metaphor for someone who is a product of their parents' genes and upbringing.

For example, you might say that the actress' daughter is "a chip off the old block" if she is also an actress, or if she has the same outgoing personality as her mother.

The other options are not correct.

  • Console the dreary does not mean chip off the old block.
  • Get into the enemy's territory does not mean chip off the old block.
  • Chip off the edges means to break off a small piece of something, which is not the same meaning as the idiom "chip off the old block."