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Fundamentals of Human Geography: Primary Activities


Read the passage given below to answer the following questions :

Intensive Subsistence Agriculture is largely found in densely populated regions of monsoon Asia where crops are grown for personal consumption Basically, there are two types of intensive subsistence agriculture. Intensive subsistence agriculture dominated by wet paddy cultivation: This type of agriculture is characterised by dominance of the rice crop. Land holdings are very small due to the high density of population. Farmers work with the help of family labour leading to intensive use of land. Use of machinery is limited and most of the agricultural operations are done by manual labour. Farm yard manure is used to maintain the fertility of the soil. In this type of agriculture, the yield per unit area is high but per labour productivity is low. Intensive subsidence agriculture is dominated by crops other than paddy. Due to the difference in relief, climate soil and some of the other geographical factors, it is not practical to grow paddy in many parts of monsoon Asia. Wheet, soyabean, barley and sorghum are grown in northern China, Manchuria, North Korea and North Japan. In India wheat is grown in western parts of the Indo-Gangetic plains and millets are grown in dry parts of western and southern India. Most of the characteristics of this type of agriculture are similar to those dominated by wet paddy except that irrigation is often used. This activity is labour intensive on small Pieces of land.

Which one of the following is an appropriate reason for low productivity per labour in intensive subsistence farming ?


More labour is used on small piece of land

More labour is used on large piece of land

Less labour is used on large piece of land

Less labour is used on small piece of land

Correct Answer:

More labour is used on small piece of land


Intensive Subsistence Farming : This type of agriculture is largely found in densely populated regions of monsoon Asia. Basically, there are two types of intensive subsistence agriculture.
Intensive subsistence agriculture dominated by wet paddy cultivation: This type of agriculture is characterised by dominance of the rice crop. Land holdings are very small due to the high density of population. Farmers work with the help of family labour leading to intensive use of land. Use of machinery is limited and most of the agricultural operations are done by manual labour. Farm yard manure is used to maintain the fertility of the soil. In this type of agriculture, the yield per unit area is high but per labour productivity is low.