Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Read the following passage and answer the question

Mr. X is working as a manager at 'Cheezy's Pizza's' at Pali Hills, Mumbai. He has a good command over his employees as well as customers. One of his sub-ordinates Mr. Y left his company and opened up a similar pizza chain called 'Mozzy's Pizzas' opposite to 'Cheezy's Pizzas' as a new competitor. 'Mozzy's' copied the recipes and the business model of theezy's' and started selling pizzas @50% discount as an introductory offer. Mr. X was losing his sales and so he called up the team meeting with the executives to discuss this issue. The team meeting concluded with certain suggestions like protecting the brand name with necessary Intellectual Property Rights; The company decided to give a new look to the logo and colors of brand name and then giving it legal protection. The operation executive suggested Mr. X to add more variety in their current menu eg. more pizza toppings, more flavours of pastas and soups, etc. The marketing executive provided an idea to distribute free slices of pizza at malls and gaming areas for children in order to attract more customers. The marketing executive also suggested to provide free 'home delivery' to increase customer base. In order to develop goodwill, the company also decided to print the list of ingredients outside the package to inform the customers about product contents. The marketing executive also came up with a plan to provide gifts to customer who buy in bulk e.g. 2 soups, free with 01 large pizza, 01 pasta free with 02 medium pizzas.

Which of the Intellectual Property Right is being discussed in the statement, "protecting the brand name with necessary Intellectual Property Rights, the company decided to give a new look to the logo and colors of brand name and giving it legal protection."



Brand mark

Trade mark

Brand name

Correct Answer:

Trade mark


The correct answer is option (3) : Trade mark

The Intellectual Property Right being discussed in the statement is:

3. Trade mark

The statement mentions protecting the brand name, giving a new look to the logo and colors, and providing legal protection. This aligns with
the concept of a trademark, which is a form of intellectual property that protects symbols, names, and other identifiers associated with a
brand. A trademark can include both the brand name and the logo.