Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Nature and significance of Management


In an organisation there may be separate departments of finance, production, marketing or human resources. All these departments may have their own objectives, policies and their own style of working. For example, the marketing department’s objective may be to increase sales by 10 per cent by offering discounts. But, the finance department may not approve of such discounts as it means loss of revenue. These kinds of conflict arise in organisations because each unit/ department is performing activities in isolation from others and barriers between departments are becoming more rigid.

The friction between different departments of an organisation can be removed by which of the following?






Correct Answer:



In an organisation there may be separate departments of finance, production, marketing or human resources. All these departments may have their own objectives, policies and their own style of working. For example, the marketing department’s objective may be to increase sales by 10 per cent by offering discounts. But, the finance department may not approve of such discounts as it means loss of revenue. These kinds of conflict arise in organisations because each unit/ department is performing activities in isolation from others and barriers between departments are becoming more rigid. However, all departments and individuals are interdependent and they have to depend on each other for information to perform their activities. The activity of each department needs to be focused on attainment of common organisational goals. The process of linking the activities of various departments is accomplished by coordination.