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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following invented and perfected India’s classical dance form Sattras?


Srimanta Sankardev

K Uma Rama Rao

Uday Shankar

Guru Gopinath

Correct Answer:

Srimanta Sankardev


The correct answer is Option (1) - Srimanta Sankardev

Srimanta Sankardev, a 15th-century saint-scholar from Assam, India, is credited with inventing and perfecting the classical dance form Sattriya. Sattriya is one of the eight recognized classical dance forms of India and has its roots in the Sattras, which are monastic institutions founded by Sankardev. He developed Sattriya as a means of expressing devotion to Lord Krishna and performed it as part of his religious teachings. Today, Sattriya has evolved into a highly refined and revered form of classical dance, preserving its rich cultural heritage.