Practicing Success

Target Exam





Variations in Psychological Attributes


There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your answer as per the options given below.

Assertion:  If a psychologist wants to have a complete assessment of a person, he will need to assess how s/he functions in various domains or areas, such as cognitive, emotional, social, etc.
Reasoning: Psychological attributes are usually multi-dimensional.



Both Assertion (A) and reasoning (R) are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.


Both Assertion (A) and reasoning (R) are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.


Assertion (A) is true but Reasoning (R) is not correct.


Assertion (A) is not true but Reasoning (R) is correct

Correct Answer:

Both Assertion (A) and reasoning (R) are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.



Psychological attributes are usually multi-dimensional. If you want to have a complete assessment of a person, you will need to assess how s/he functions in various domains or areas, such as cognitive, emotional, social, etc.