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Target Exam





Modern India: Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist movement


He tried to remove the discrepancies among the various religions of the world. He undertook a serious study of comparative religions and realized in due course that true Hinduism, true Islam and true Christianity are not fundamentally different from each other. He mastered Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, Greek, Latin and 17 other leading languages spoken in the world. He believed in, the progressive role of the British rule in India.

Which social reformer is described above?


Keshab Chandra Sen

Raja Rammohan Roy

Akshay Kumar Dutt

Debendranath Tagore

Correct Answer:

Raja Rammohan Roy


He was interested not only in reforming the Hindu religion, but also tried to remove the discrepancies among the various religions of the world. He undertook a serious study of comparative religions and realised in due course that true Hinduism, true Islam and true Christianity are not fundamentally different from each other. Besides Bengali and Sanskrit, Roy had mastered Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, Greek, Latin and 17 other leading languages spoken in the world. Roy started his public life in 1815 with the establishment of the Atmiya Sabha. It also opposed polygamy and worked for the removal of caste disabilities. Roy believed in, the progressive role of the British rule in India and sought government held in the matter of social reforms, especially in the form of socially progressive legislations. For instance, Roy was convinced that without the active support of the government it would be almost impossible to eradicate the inhuman practices of sati.