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Legal Studies


Legal Services

For the purpose of carrying out the duties defined by the State Authority, each State Government establishes the High Court Legal Services Committee (HCLSC) and the State Legal Services Authority (SLSA). The SLSA consists of the Chief Justice of High Court as the Patron-in-Chief, a Judge of the High Court nominated by the Governor as Executive Chairman, and the State Government also names other members after consulting with the High Court Chief Justice. The HCLSC is composed of a chairman and other members chosen by the Chief Justice of the High Court and prescribed by the State Authority. The Central Authority's policy and directives must be implemented by the State Authority. Every district has a District Legal Services Authority (DLSA), which is created by the State Government. The District Authority is in charge of carrying out State Authority duties assigned to it by the State Authority.
The State Government nominates the members of the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) in consultation with which of the following authorities?
The Chief Justice of High Court
Advocate General of State
Both 1 and 2
Supreme Court Judge nominated by CJI.
Correct Answer:
The Chief Justice of High Court
The State Government constitutes the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) for every district for exercising powers and functions as determined by the District Authority. The DLSA consists of - the District Judge as Chairman, and other members nominated by the State Government in consultation with the Chief Justice of High Court.