Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Business Environment


Political environment includes political conditions such as general stability and peace in the country and specific attitudes that elected government representatives hold towards business. The significance of political conditions in business success lies in the predictability of business activities under stable political conditions. On the other hand, there may be an uncertainty of business activities due to political unrest and threats to law and order. Political stability, thus, builds up confidence among business people to invest in the long term projects for the growth of the economy. Political instability can shake that confidence. Similarly, the attitudes of government officials towards business may have either positive or negative impact upon business.

What does the political environment encompass, according to the passage?


Economic conditions

General stability and peace

Technological advancements

Social trends

Correct Answer:

General stability and peace


Political environment includes political conditions such as general stability and peace in the country and specific attitudes that elected government representatives hold towards business. Thus, political environment encompass General stability and peace.