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Target Exam



Fine Arts


The Modern Indian Art


What is the medium of "Of Walls" by Anupam Sud?


Oil on canvas

Watercolor on paper

Etching on zinc plate

Sculpture in marble

Correct Answer:

Etching on zinc plate


Answer: Etching on zinc plate
"Of Walls" is an etching, which is a printmaking technique that involves creating an image on a zinc plate and then transferring it onto paper.

Of Walls is an etching made from zinc plate and printed on paper made by Anupam Sud in 1982. She had studied printmaking at the Slade School of Fine Art, University College, London, in the early 1970s. When she returned to India, she was drawn to its everyday reality. Apart from her deep interest in social problems faced by people, belonging to marginalised communities of the society, she was keen to understand them artistically. Notice how she creates an interesting form of a woman by hollowing out the face. The absence of face gives it a brooding and sad expression. The painting depicts the figure of a lonely woman seated on the pavement before a dilapidated wall. In the foreground, we only get a glimpse of the lower part of a poor man sleeping on the ground, contrasting with the clothed woman, and adds to the sadness of the print.