Practicing Success

Target Exam





Attitudes and Social Cognition


An advertisement gives a message that drinking milk may be said to make a person healthy and good-looking, or more energetic and more successful at one’s job. This is an example of which of the following characteristic of message?


rational appeal

motive activated by the message

emotional appeal


Correct Answer:

motive activated by the message


Message Characteristics: Message characteristics play a crucial role in bringing about attitude change. The message refers to the information presented with the intention of influencing attitudes. Attitudes are more likely to change when the amount of information provided about the topic is neither excessive nor insufficient. F

The type of appeal used in the message, whether rational or emotional, also affects attitude change. Rational appeals focus on logical arguments, facts, and practical benefits. For instance, an advertisement promoting cooking food in a pressure cooker may emphasize its fuel-saving features and cost-effectiveness, appealing to the audience's rationality. On the other hand, emotional appeals target the audience's feelings, values, and aspirations. In the same advertisement, an emotional appeal could be made by highlighting how pressure-cooking preserves nutrition and caring for the family's well-being, tapping into the audience's emotional connection to their loved ones.

The motives activated by the message further contribute to attitude change. By associating drinking milk with being healthy, good-looking, energetic, or successful at one's job, the message triggers specific motivations that can lead to a change in attitude.