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Target Exam





Modern India: Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist movement


Which of the following statements is incorrect about the provincial elections in India held before independence?


Fresh elections to the Provincial legislatures were held in 1946.

Congress swept the General category in the elections of 1946.

Muslim League won an overwhelming majority in seats specifically reserved for Muslims.

All the statements are correct.

Correct Answer:

All the statements are correct.


The correct answer is Option 4 - All the statements are correct.

Option 1- Fresh elections to the Provincial legislatures were held in 1946.
Option 2- Congress swept the General category in the elections of 1946.
Option 3- Muslim League won an overwhelming majority in seats specifically reserved for Muslims.
Option 4- All the statements are correct.

Early in 1946 fresh elections were held to the provincial legislatures. The Congress swept the “General” category, but in the seats specifically reserved for Muslims the League won an overwhelming majority. The political polarisation was complete. A Cabinet Mission sent in the summer of 1946 failed to get the Congress and the League to agree on a federal system that would keep India together while allowing the provinces a degree of autonomy. After the talks broke down, Jinnah called for a “Direct Action Day” to press the League’s demand for Pakistan. On the designated day, 16 August 1946, bloody riots broke out in Calcutta. The violence spread to rural Bengal, then to Bihar, and then across the country to the United Provinces and the Punjab. In some places, Muslims were the main sufferers, in other places, Hindus.