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General Knowledge


Which chamber of human heart receives oxygen-rich blood from lungs?


Left Ventricle

Left Atrium

Right Ventricle

Right Atrium

Correct Answer:

Left Atrium


The correct answer is Option (2)- Left Atrium

The heart is a large, muscular organ that pumps blood filled with oxygen and nutrients through the blood vessels to the body tissues. It's made up of:

  • 4 chambers. The 2 upper chambers are the atria. They receive and collect blood. The 2 lower chambers are the ventricles. They pump blood to other parts of your body. Here is the process: 
    • The right atrium receives blood from the body. This blood is low in oxygen. This is the blood from the veins.
    • The right ventricle pumps the blood from the right atrium into the lungs to pick up oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. 
    • The left atrium receives blood from the lungs. This blood is rich in oxygen.
    • The left ventricle pumps the blood from the left atrium out to the body, supplying all organs with oxygen-rich blood.