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Target Exam





Environmental Issues

Ozone gas is continuously formed by the action of UV rays on molecular oxygen, and also degraded into molecular oxygen in the stratosphere. There should be a balance between production and degradation of ozone in the stratosphere. Of late, the balance has been disrupted due to enhancement of ozone degradation by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). CFCs find wide use as refrigerants. CFCs discharged in the lower part of atmosphere move upward and reach stratosphere. In stratosphere, UV rays act on them releasing Cl atoms. Cl degrades ozone releasing molecular oxygen, with these atoms acting merely as catalysts; Cl atoms are not consumed in the reaction. Hence, whatever CFCs are added to the stratosphere, they have permanent and continuing effects on Ozone level.
What do you understand by Ozone hole ?
Hole in ozone layer .
Reduction in thickness of ozone layer in stratosphere .
Reduction in thickness of ozone layer in troposphere .
Increase in concentration of ozone .
Correct Answer:
Reduction in thickness of ozone layer in stratosphere .
Whatever CFCs are added to the stratosphere, they have permanent and continuing effects on Ozone levels. Although ozone depletion is occurring widely in the stratosphere, the depletion is particularly marked over the Antarctic region. This has resulted in formation of a large area of thinned ozone layer, commonly called as the ozone hole.