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Fine Arts


The Modern Indian Art


What statement about the imaginary landscape in "Fairy Tales From Purvapalli" is incorrect?


It consists of a strange world where birds and animals coexist with humans.

The landscape is depicted in a detailed and realistic manner.

Unusual trees in the landscape grow feathers instead of leaves.

The landscape symbolizes the artist's imagination.

Correct Answer:

The landscape is depicted in a detailed and realistic manner.


Answer: The landscape is depicted in a detailed and realistic manner.
The style of painting as sketchy with colors applied in quick brush strokes, not in a detailed and realistic manner.

Fairy Tales From Purvapalli: This is a painting using water and oil colours on acrylic sheet and was created by K. G. Subramanyan in 1986. This is the work of the prolific writer, scholar, teacher and art historian, who draws inspiration from his familiarity with different art traditions from India and the world. The title refers to his home in Purvapalli, a locality in Shantiniketan, from where his imagination seems to be travelling all around the world. His imaginary landscape consists of a strange world, in which birds and animals rub shoulders with humans. There are unusual trees that grow feathers in place of leaves. This style of painting is sketchy and colours are applied as in quick brush strokes. The palette remains earthy — ochres, greens and browns. The male and female figures on top reminds us of urban folk art like the Kalighat painting that was popular in Colonial Calcutta in the late nineteenth century. Again, as in traditional miniature paintings, figures are arranged on the top of other rather than behind each other, creating a flat space, a sign of modern art.