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Target Exam



Political Science


Rights In The Indian Constitution


Choose the most suitable term for the given statement:

If the government feels that a person can be a threat to law and order or to the peace and security of the nation, it can detain or arrest that person.


Habeas Corpus


Preventive Detention


Correct Answer:

Preventive Detention


The correct answer is Option 3 - Preventive Detention

Ordinarily, a person would be arrested after he or she has reportedly committed some offence. However there are exceptions to this. Sometimes a person can be arrested simply out of an apprehension that he or she is likely to engage in unlawful activity and imprisoned for some time without following the above mentioned procedure. This is known as preventive detention. It means that if the government feels that a person can be a threat to law and order or to the peace and security of the nation, it can detain or arrest that person. This preventive detention can be extended only for three months. After three months such a case is brought before an advisory board for review. On the face of it, preventive detention looks like an effective tool in the hands of the government to deal with anti-social elements or subversives. But this provision has often been misused by the government. Many people think that there must be greater safeguards in this law so that it may not be misused against people for reasons other than that which are really justified. In fact, there is a clear tension between right to life and personal liberty and the provision for preventive detention.