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Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Be glad to see the back of


To avoid someone

To be happy when a person leaves

To be happy to receive guests

To support someone

Correct Answer:

To be happy when a person leaves


The most appropriate meaning of the given idiom "be glad to see the back of" is to be happy when a person leaves.

The idiom is used to describe someone who is pleased that another person is going away. For example, you might say that you are glad to see the back of a difficult customer or a boring relative.

The other options are not as accurate descriptions of the idiom.

  • To avoid someone suggests that the person is trying to stay away from the other person, which is not necessarily the same as being happy when they leave.
  • To be happy to receive guests suggests that the person is looking forward to meeting the other person, which is the opposite of the meaning of the idiom.
  • To support someone suggests that the person is helping or encouraging the other person, which is not the same as being happy when they leave.