Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Change and Development in Rural Society


Select a statement which can be attributed as the reason for less woman land owners in Indian villages.


Patrilineal Kinship and mode of inheritance.

Lack of Law allowing equal shareholding of family property to women.

Women lack education in rural areas.

All of the above

Correct Answer:

Patrilineal Kinship and mode of inheritance.


The correct answer is Option 1: Patrilineal Kinship and mode of inheritance.

Option 1 is correct. In most regions of India, women are usually excluded from ownership of land, because of the prevailing patrilineal kinship system and mode of inheritance. In many traditional societies in India, property ownership, including land, is often passed down through patrilineal lines, meaning that sons are typically the primary inheritors of family property, while daughters may receive dowries but not land ownership rights. This cultural and social practice contributes to the gender disparity in land ownership in Indian villages.

Option 2: Lack of Law allowing equal shareholding of family property to women. This is incorrect. By law, women are supposed to have an equal share of family property. But, in reality they only have limited rights and some access to land only as part of a household headed by a man. Thus, there is no lack of law (as law is already there), but there is lack of effective implementation of law.

Option 3: Women lack education in rural areas. Option 3 is too broad or generalized. While it's true that lack of education can be a barrier for some women in rural areas, it's important to note that not all women lack education. There are certainly educated women in rural areas who still face challenges in owning land due to various socio-cultural factors. While Option 3 may also contribute to the issue, Option 1 directly addresses the traditional cultural and inheritance practices that disadvantage women in terms of land ownership.