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Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the following passage and answer the question given below:

The House in the mist

My path toward this light was by no means an easy one. After confused wanderings through tangled hedges, and a struggle with obstacles of whose nature I received the most curious impression in the surrounding murk. I arrived in front of a long, low building which, to my astonishment. I found standing with doors and windows open to the pervading mist, save for one square casement through which the light shone from a row of candles placed on a long mahogany table.

The quiet and seeming emptiness of this odd and picturesque building made me pause. I am not much affected by visible danger, but this silent room, with its air of sinister expectancy, struck me most unpleasantly, and I was about to reconsider my first impulse and withdraw again to the road, when a second look, thrown back upon the comfortable interior I was leaving, convinced me of my folly and sent me straight toward the door which stood so invitingly open.

But halfway up the path, my progress was halted by the sight of a man coming out of the house that I had wrongly assumed to be empty. He seemed to be in a hurry and, at the moment when I first saw him, was busy putting his watch back in his pocket. He did not shut the door behind him, which I thought odd, especially as he had been looking behind him. He seemed to take in all the details of the place he was so hurriedly leaving.

The Narrator almost made the mistake of -


entering the house

resuming his journey

addressing the man

being afraid of the uncertainity

Correct Answer:

entering the house


The correct answer is Option (1) → entering the house

The passage indicates that the narrator was about to reconsider his impulse to withdraw to the road and was straightening toward the door, which stood invitingly open. This suggests that the narrator was on the verge of entering the house but was halted halfway by the sight of a man coming out. Therefore, the correct answer is "entering the house."