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Medieval India: Bhakti Sufi Traditions


Which of the following statements is correct about Kabir's verses?


Kabir has composed some verses in the special language of nirguna poets, the sant bhasha.

He wrote some verses in the form of ulatbansi (upside-down sayings), which are written in a form in which everyday meanings are inverted.

He also used terms drawn from Vedantic traditions, alakh (the unseen), nirakar (formless), Brahman, Atman, etc.

All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


Kabir’s poems have survived in several languages and dialects; and some are composed in the special language of nirguna poets, the sant bhasha. Others, known as ulatbansi (upside-down sayings), are written in a form in which everyday meanings are inverted. Also striking is the range of traditions Kabir drew on to describe the Ultimate Reality. These include Islam: he described the Ultimate Reality as Allah, Khuda, Hazrat and Pir. He also used terms drawn from Vedantic traditions, alakh (the unseen), nirakar (formless), Brahman, Atman, etc.