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Target Exam





Modern India: Rebels and the Raj


Consider the following statements about the cartoon representation "The Clemency of Canning", Punch 1857. Which out of the following are correct:

A. Lord Canning is shown as looming father figure.
B. Lord Canning is shown with his protective hand over the head of a sepoy.
C. The sepoy is shown bending before Canning.
D. The sepoy is shown with unsheathed sword and a dagger in his hands.
E. Sword and dagger are dripping with blood.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A, B, C, E only
2. A, B, D, E only
3. B, C, D, E only
4. A, D, C, E only






Correct Answer:



The sepoy is not shown bending before Canning.

At a time when the clamour was for vengeance, pleas for moderation were ridiculed. When Governor General Canning declared that a gesture of leniency and a show of mercy would help in winning back the loyalty of the sepoys, he was mocked in the British press. In one of the cartoons published in the pages of Punch, a British journal of comic satire, Canning is shown as a looming father figure, with his protective hand over the head of a sepoy who still holds an unsheathed sword in one hand and a dagger in the other, both dripping with blood– an imagery that recurs in a number of British pictures of the time.