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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: End of Bi-Polarity


What is the incorrect statement about the economic transition model known as shock therapy in post-Soviet countries?


The shock therapy model encouraged the promotion of socialism.

Shock therapy was influenced by the World Bank and the IMF.

The primary goal of shock therapy was to accelerate the transition to capitalism.

Private ownership was promoted as the dominant pattern of ownership.

Correct Answer:

The shock therapy model encouraged the promotion of socialism.


The statement "The shock therapy model encouraged the promotion of socialism" is incorrect. Shock therapy aimed to accelerate the transition to capitalism, not state-controlled socialism.

The collapse of communism was followed in most of these countries by a painful process of transition from an authoritarian socialist system to a democratic capitalist system. The model of transition in Russia, Central Asia and east Europe that was influenced by the World Bank and the IMF came to be known as ‘shock therapy’. Shock therapy varied in intensity and speed amongst the former second world countries, but its direction and features were quite similar. Each of these countries was required to make a total shift to a capitalist economy, which meant rooting out completely any structures evolved during the Soviet period. Above all, it meant that private ownership was to be the dominant pattern of ownership of property. Privatisation of state assets and corporate ownership patterns were to be immediately brought in. Collective farms were to be replaced by private farming and capitalism in agriculture. This transition ruled out any alternate or ‘third way’, other than state-controlled socialism or capitalism.