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Target Exam



Legal Studies


Human Rights in India


Which of the following statement (s) about English Bill of Rights of 1689 is/are correct?


The English Bill of Rights of 1689 is one of the earliest examples of the fundamental rights.

The English Bill of Rights of 1689 was an agreement between the Parliament and the King that prevented the latter from abusing the Catholics.

It included clauses that prohibited levying of money by the Crown, and provided right to petition the King, right to fair trial, right against cruel and unusual punishments or excessive fines, and right to parliamentary privileges (speech, vote, etc.) to the members of Parliament.

All of the above

Correct Answer:

It included clauses that prohibited levying of money by the Crown, and provided right to petition the King, right to fair trial, right against cruel and unusual punishments or excessive fines, and right to parliamentary privileges (speech, vote, etc.) to the members of Parliament.


The English legal documents of Magna Carta of 1215 and The English Bill of Rights of 1689 are some of the earliest examples of the human rights laws. The English Bill of Rights of 1689 was an agreement between the Parliament and the King that prevented the latter from abusing the Protestants. It included clauses that prohibited levying of money by the Crown, and provided right to petition the King, right to fair trial, right against cruel and unusual punishments or excessive fines, and right to parliamentary privileges (speech, vote, etc.) to the members of Parliament.