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Target Exam





Fundamentals of Human Geography: World Population-Distribution, Density and growth


Which of the following points about push factors of people migration are correct?

A. Political Turmoil
B. Better job opportunities
C. Unemployment
D. Economic backwardness

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A, B, C only

A, B, D only

A, C, D only

B, C, D only

Correct Answer:

A, C, D only


The correct answer is Option (3) → A, C, D only

Push factors are conditions or circumstances in one's home country that encourage or force individuals to leave and seek better opportunities elsewhere.

A. Political Turmoil: Political instability, conflict, or turmoil in one's home country can be a significant push factor for migration. People often seek safety and stability in other countries when their home country is experiencing political unrest or conflict.

B. Better job opportunities: The presence of better employment prospects in another location can be a strong pull factor (not a push factor) for individuals to migrate.

C. Unemployment: High levels of unemployment or underemployment in one's home country can push individuals to seek opportunities in places with lower unemployment rates or where they believe they have a better chance of finding work.

D. Economic backwardness: Economic underdevelopment, poverty, and a lack of economic opportunities in one's home country can serve as a push factor for migration. I

So, the correct answer is option 3. A, C, D.