Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Globalisation and Social Change

What does the acronym TNC stand for?
TNC is the acronym for Trans-National Corporations. These are business ventures which produce goods and market them for more than one country.
TNC is the acronym for Thailand's National Corporation. which has a central role in international trade contracts.
TNC is an acronym for Territorial National Corporation which controls the markets within territorial limit of members of European Union.
TNC is an acronym for The National Chambers of Commerce, which is an international financial institution which supports third world nations.
Correct Answer:
TNC is the acronym for Trans-National Corporations. These are business ventures which produce goods and market them for more than one country.
Among the many economic factors driving globalisation, the role of transnational corporations (TNCs) is particularly important. TNCs are companies that produce goods or market services in more than one country. These may be relatively small firms with one or two factories outside the country in which they are based.