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Target Exam



Business Studies


Internal Trade


.......... shops deal in used goods, like books, automobiles, furniture and other household goods.


Second-hand goods shop

Speciality shops

General stores

Street stall holders

Correct Answer:

Second-hand goods shop


The correct answer is option 1- Second-hand goods shop.

Second-hand goods shop: These shops deal in second-hand or used goods, like books, clothes, automobiles, furniture and other household goods. Generally persons with modest means purchase goods from such shops. The goods are sold at lower prices. Such shops may also stock rare objects of historical value and antique items which are sold at rather heavy prices to people who have special interest in such antique goods. The shops, selling second-hand goods may be located at street crossings or in busy streets in the form of a stall having very little structure—a table or a temporary platform to display the books or may have reasonably good infrastructure, as in the case of those selling furniture or used cars or scooters or motorcycles.



  • Speciality shops- This type of retail store is, of late, becoming very popular, particularly in urban areas. Instead of selling a variety of products of different types, these retail stores specialise in the sale of a specific line of products.
  • General stores- General stores are most commonly found in a local market and residential areas. As the name indicates, these shops carry stock of a variety of products required to satisfy the day-to-day needs of the consumers residing in nearby localities. Such stores remain open for long hours at convenient timings and often provide credit facilities to some of their regular customers.
  • Street stall holders- These small vendors are commonly found at street crossings or other places where flow of traffic is heavy. They attract floating customers and deal mainly in goods of cheap variety like hosiery products, toys, cigarettes, soft drinks, etc.