Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Ability


Age Problems


My brother, Ravi is 3 years elder than me. My father's age was 28 years when my sister, Neha was born, and my mother's age was 26 years when I was born. If Neha's age was 4 years when Ravi was born, what was the age of my father when Ravi was born?


35 Yr

34 Yr

33 Yr

32 Yr

Correct Answer:

32 Yr


When Neha was born, father's age - 28 

When I was born, mother's age - 26

Difference between Neha and Ravi's age = 4 years

And the difference between my age and Ravi's age = 3 years.

So, the difference between my age and Neha's age is 7 years

So, when I was born my father's age was 28 + 7 = 35

Ravi is 3 years elder to me, that means when Ravi was born my father's age was 32 years