Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which Bahmani ruler granted the title of ‘Chief of the Merchants’ or Malikut-Tujjar to Mahmud Gawan?


Humayun Shah

Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah

Muhammmad Shah

Feroz Shah

Correct Answer:

Humayun Shah


The correct answer is Option 1- Humayun Shah

The Bahmani ruler who granted the title of ‘Chief of the Merchants’ or Malikut-Tujjar to Mahmud Gawan was Humayun Shah.

Humayun Shah ruled the Bahmani Sultanate from 1458 to 1461. He was a wise and benevolent ruler who was interested in promoting trade and commerce. He was also a great patron of learning and culture.

Mahmud Gawan was a Persian merchant and scholar who came to India in search of better opportunities. He was a brilliant administrator and a skilled diplomat. He quickly rose through the ranks of the Bahmani government and became one of Humayun Shah's most trusted advisors.

In 1461, Humayun Shah granted Mahmud Gawan the title of Malikut-Tujjar, which means "Chief of the Merchants." This title was a recognition of Mahmud Gawan's contributions to the trade and commerce of the Bahmani Sultanate.

Mahmud Gawan served as the Bahmani prime minister for over two decades. He was a capable and efficient administrator who introduced a number of reforms to the Bahmani government. He also promoted education and culture. He is considered to be one of the greatest prime ministers of the Bahmani Sultanate.