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General Test


General Knowledge


TH Vinayakram, a famous musician, is associated with which musical instrument?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (1) - Ghatam

T.H. Vinayakram, also known as Vikku Vinayakram, is a highly acclaimed percussionist from South India, particularly associated with the musical instrument called the Ghatam.

The ghatam is a traditional percussion instrument originating from South India. It is typically made of clay, shaped like a pot, with a narrow mouth. The body of the ghatam produces a rich and resonant sound when struck with the hands.

T.H. Vinayakram is renowned for his exceptional skill and mastery of the ghatam. He has played a pivotal role in popularizing this instrument both in India and internationally. Vinayakram is celebrated for his virtuosity, versatility, and innovative techniques in playing the ghatam.

Throughout his illustrious career, T.H. Vinayakram has collaborated with numerous renowned musicians and performers across various genres of music, including Indian classical music, fusion, and world music. He has performed on prestigious platforms worldwide, captivating audiences with his mesmerizing performances on the ghatam.

T.H. Vinayakram's contributions to music have been widely recognized and honored. He has received several awards and accolades, including the Padma Bhushan, one of India's highest civilian honors, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of music.

In summary, T.H. Vinayakram's association with the ghatam highlights his significant role in popularizing and elevating this traditional percussion instrument to global acclaim. His virtuosity and artistic prowess on the ghatam have earned him admiration and respect from audiences and fellow musicians alike.