Practicing Success

Target Exam







Choose the appropriate option for the Direct Speech of the following sentence

The manager requested us to have patience.


The manager said to him, "you must have patience"

The manager said, "Please have patience."

The manager said, "What a patience you have?"

The manager said, "Do you have patience?"

Correct Answer:

The manager said, "Please have patience."


The appropriate option for the Direct Speech of the given sentence is: OPTION 2 "The manager said, 'Please have patience.'"

Here's why the other options are not ideal:

  • The manager said to him, "you must have patience": This focuses on a single person instead of addressing the subject "us" in the original sentence.
  • The manager said, "What a patience you have?": This is an interrogative sentence and doesn't convey the request from the manager.
  • The manager said, "Do you have patience?": This is also an interrogative sentence and implies questioning someone's existing patience, not making a request for it.

"The manager said, 'Please have patience.'" directly conveys the manager's request to the group ("us") to be patient in a polite and respectful manner. It uses the imperative mood ("have patience") to make the request clear and avoids unnecessary additions or changes to the original meaning.