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Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Human Development


Statement 1.
Environmentalists and radical ecologists believe that for a happy and peaceful social life proper balance between population and resources is a necessary condition.
Statement 2. Development has only contributed to increasing the multiple uses of the limited resources of the world while there has been an enormous increase in the demand for these resources.
(a) Statement (1) and Statement (2) both are true and Statement (2) is the explanation of Statement (1)
(b). Statement (1) and Statement (2) both are true but Statement (2) is not the correct explanation of Statement (1)
(c) Statement (1) is False but statement (2) is true
(d) Statement (1) is true but statement (2) is false




(c )


Correct Answer:



Neo-Malthusians, environmentalists and radical ecologists. They believe that for a happy and peaceful social life proper balance between population and resources is a necessary condition. According to these thinkers, the gap between the resources and population has widened after eighteenth century. There have been marginal expansion in the resources of the world in the last three hundred years but there has been phenomenal growth in the human population. Development has only contributed in increasing the multiple uses of the limited resources of the world while there has been enormous increase in the demand for these resources. Therefore, the prime task before any development activity is to maintain parity between population and resources