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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


In the context of medieval India, which of the following pairs is correct?


Marco Polo - Morocco

Al-Biruni -Turkey

Francois Bernier - Spain

Duarte Barbosa - Portugal

Correct Answer:

Duarte Barbosa - Portugal


The correct answer is Option 4- Duarte Barbosa - Portugal

Remaining options:

Marco Polo (Italy): While Marco Polo was a famous European traveler, his journeys primarily focused on China and Mongolia during the 13th century. Morocco is in North Africa and wasn't his primary area of exploration.
Al-Biruni (Khwarezm): Al-Biruni, a renowned scholar and writer from Central Asia, visited India in the 11th century and documented his observations in his book "Kitab al-Hind" (The Book of India). However, Khwarezm was a separate region from Turkey during this period.
Francois Bernier (France) : Bernier was a French physician who traveled to India in the 17th century, during the Mughal era, which is often considered the later part of the medieval period in India. However, Spain isn't directly relevant to his travels in India.