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Target Exam







Select the most appropriate synonym of the word 'obscene' from the following sentence.

Vijay was suspended from duty because he gave dirty and prejudiced remarks to his female colleagues in the office.






Correct Answer:



The most appropriate synonym of the word obscene from the following sentence is dirty.

  • Obscene means offensive to good taste or morals, especially in a sexual way.
  • Dirty means morally or physically impure or unclean.

The two words are similar in that they both suggest the idea of being offensive or impure. However, the word obscene has a more specific meaning, as it refers to being offensive in a sexual way. The word dirty has a more general meaning, and can be used to refer to anything that is offensive or impure, regardless of whether it is sexual in nature.

In the sentence "Vijay was suspended from duty because he gave dirty and prejudiced remarks to his female colleagues in the office," the speaker is not just saying that Vijay's remarks were offensive, but that Vijay's remarks were also sexually offensive. Therefore, the word "dirty" is the most appropriate synonym for the word "obscene" in this context.

The other words on the list are not as appropriate synonyms for obscene. The word suspended means to temporarily remove someone from their job or position. The word prejudice means a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. The word colleagues means people who work together. These words do not convey the same sense of being offensive or impure as the word dirty.