Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science




Which of the following statements is correct about the executive in Sri Lanka?

Statement A- In 1978 the constitution of Sri Lanka was amended and the system of Executive Presidency was introduced. 
Statement B- The President chooses the Prime Minister from the party that he considers good enough to run the government without the need to conduct any elections.
Statement C- The President does not have the power to remove the Prime Minister or ministers. 
Statement D- Apart from being the elected Head of State and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, the President is also the Head of the Government. 

Choose the correct answer from the given options:


A and B

B and C

A and D

B and D

Correct Answer:

A and D


The correct answer is Option 3 - A and D

The correct statements are:

Statement A- In 1978 the constitution of Sri Lanka was amended and the system of Executive Presidency was introduced. 
Statement D- Apart from being the elected Head of State and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, the President is also the Head of the Government.

Correction in the incorrect statement:

Statement B- The President chooses the Prime Minister from the party that has a majority in the Parliament.

Statement C- The President has the power to remove the Prime Minister or ministers.


Semi-Presidential Executive in Sri Lanka:

In 1978 the constitution of Sri Lanka was amended and the system of Executive Presidency was introduced. Under the system of Executive Presidency, people directly elect the President. It may happen that both the President and the Prime Minister belong to the same political party or to different political parties. The President has vast powers under the constitution. The President chooses the Prime Minister from the party that has a majority in the Parliament. Though ministers must be members of the Parliament, the President has the power to remove the Prime Minister, or ministers. Apart from being the elected Head of State and the Commander-in- Chief of the Armed Forces, the President is also the Head of the Government. Elected for a term of six years, the President cannot be removed except by a resolution in the parliament passed by at least two-thirds of the total number of Members of Parliament. If it is passed by not less than one-half of the total number of Members of Parliament and the Speaker is satisfied that such allegations merit inquiry then the Speaker can report the matter to the Supreme Court.