Practicing Success

Target Exam





Meeting Life Challenges


Read the case carefully and answer the question that follow :

Rahul turned 14 last month. He had a big birthday party and invited all his friends. He likes his school and friends in the society.

Rahul's father works in a big office and has been asked to shift from Delhi to Bangalore. This news has disturbed Rahul and he is showing erratic behaviour and has alienated himself from his friends.

He has frequent mood swings and also gets anxious everytime his parents try to talk about their life in Bangalore.

This news has also led Rahul to skip meals along with disturbed sleep patterns and poor academic performance. His parents don't know how to handle the situation and have been advised by Rahul's class teacher to see the school counsellor.

The reactions shown by Rahul in response to moving to Bangalore can be classified as - 


Physiological and evaluative apprehension

Cognitive and emotional

Behavioural and Physiological

Emotional and Behavioural

Correct Answer:

Emotional and Behavioural


The correct answer is Emotional and Behavioural.

Rahul's reactions to moving to Bangalore can be classified as emotional because he is experiencing frequent mood swings, anxiety, and alienation from his friends. His reactions can also be classified as behavioural because he is skipping meals, having disturbed sleep patterns, and exhibiting poor academic performance.

Option (A), physiological and evaluative apprehension, does not accurately describe Rahul's reactions. Physiological apprehension refers to physical symptoms of stress, such as increased heart rate and sweating. Evaluative apprehension refers to concerns about how one will be evaluated or judged by others. Rahul is experiencing some physical symptoms of stress, such as anxiety, but he is not primarily concerned with how he will be evaluated by others.

Option (B), cognitive and emotional, is too broad of a category to accurately describe Rahul's reactions. Cognitive reactions to stress refer to thoughts and beliefs about the stressor. Emotional reactions to stress refer to feelings and emotions about the stressor. While Rahul is likely experiencing both cognitive and emotional reactions to the stress of moving to Bangalore, his reactions are primarily emotional.

Option (C), behavioural and physiological, is too specific of a category to accurately describe Rahul's reactions. Behavioural and physiological reactions to stress are the two main types of reactions to stress. However, Rahul is experiencing additional reactions, such as emotional reactions, that are not captured by this category.