Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following is an Indian Paralympic swimmer?


Sharath M Gayakwad

Pramod Bhagat

Gaurav Khanna

Sukant Kadam

Correct Answer:

Sharath M Gayakwad


The correct answer is Option (1) - Sharath M Gayakwad

Sharath M Gayakwad is an accomplished Indian Paralympic swimmer who has represented India on various international platforms. Born on June 10, 1991, Gayakwad hails from Bangalore, Karnataka.

Gayakwad has competed in multiple Paralympic Games, Commonwealth Games, and other international swimming competitions, showcasing his exceptional talent and determination. He has won numerous medals and accolades for India, contributing significantly to the country's success in para-swimming.

Throughout his career, Gayakwad has overcome several challenges and obstacles, demonstrating resilience, perseverance, and a strong work ethic. His dedication to the sport and commitment to excellence have inspired many aspiring athletes and earned him respect within the sporting community.

Gayakwad's achievements in para-swimming have not only brought glory to the nation but also helped raise awareness about para-sports and the abilities of athletes with disabilities. He serves as a role model for individuals facing similar challenges, proving that with dedication, hard work, and determination, one can overcome adversity and achieve success.

Overall, Sharath M Gayakwad's contributions to Indian Paralympic sports have been significant, and he continues to inspire others with his achievements both in and out of the swimming pool.