Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Entrepreneurship Development


Which of the following is a feature of entrepreneurship?


Calculated Risk

Medium Risk

High Risk

Both 1 and 2

Correct Answer:

Calculated Risk


Option 1: Calculated Risk is a feature of entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurs often take risks, but these risks are typically calculated rather than reckless. They assess potential rewards against possible losses and make decisions based on informed judgment and careful planning. Therefore, "Calculated Risk" best captures the essence of the risk-taking aspect of entrepreneurship.

"It is generally believed that entrepreneurs take high risks. Yes, individuals opting for a career in entrepreneurship take a bigger risk that involved in a career in employment or practice of a profession as there is no “assured” payoff. In practice, for example, when a person quits a job to start on his own, he tries to calculate whether he or she would be able to earn the same level of income or not. To an observer, the risk of quitting a well-entrenched and promising career seems a “high” risk, but what the person has taken is a calculated risk. The situation is similarly to a motorcyclist in the ‘ring of death’ or a trapeze artist in circus. While the spectators are in the awe of the high-risk, the artists have taken a calculated risk given their training, skills, and of course, confidence and daring. It is said that the entrepreneurs thrive on circumstances where odds favouring and against success area even, that is 50:50 situations."