Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Quantitative Reasoning


Data Interpretation & Stats


The following graph gives the performance of five students A, B, C, D, E in Math, Physics and Chemistry.

Based on the given information - considering that a performance is based on the difficulty level of the paper, which of the following statements is correct?


Math is easier for B than for E and A

For D, all subjects are of the same difficulty

Physics is easier for C than for B and E

For C, Math is the most difficult and Chemistry is the easiest

Correct Answer:

Physics is easier for C than for B and E


We can find Difficulty level of subject by marks scored by students in that particular subject . If a students score less marks than subject is difficult and vice versa.

Lets solve one by one eah option.

1. Math is easier for B than for E and A

Score of B in maths = 82

Score of E in maths = 93 , which is higher than of B means maths is easier for E.

Score of A in maths = 78 , which is lesser than B.

So , option 1 is not correct.

2. For D, all subjects are of the same difficulty

Score of D in all subject is different so difficulty level is also different.

3. Physics is easier for C than for B and E

Score of C in physics = 87

Score of B in physics = 65

Score of E in physics = 69

Score of both B and E is less than score of C . SO , for B & E difficulty level is more.

Option 3 is correct .

4 . For C, Math is the most difficult and Chemistry is the easiest

Score of C in maths = 67

Score of C in chemistry = 72

So , For C maths is easier than chemistry .

Ans :- Physics is easier for C than for B and E