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Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Gear up for


Start off

Pass into

Get ready for

Put on

Correct Answer:

Get ready for


The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "gear up for" is get ready for.

The idiom is used to describe preparing for something that is going to happen, especially something that is difficult or challenging. For example, you might say that a team is gearing up for a big game, or that a student is gearing up for exams.

The other options are not as accurate descriptions of the idiom.

  • Start off means to begin something, which is not the same as getting ready for something.
  • Pass into means to move from one state or condition to another, which is not the same as getting ready for something.
  • Put on means to put clothing or equipment on, which is not the same as getting ready for something.