Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Complete the pattern


Which one of the four answers figure would come at the place of the question mark?


Correct Answer:


The correct answer is : Option (iii)


The logic here is;

1. X is moving in clockwise direction making a square.

So, in the 4th box X will be at upper right side, which is only in option (ii) and (iii). 


2. Now, look at three shapes (Except X) in the boxes,

⇒ All three shapes are shifting from right to left step by step.

In 1st and 2nd box three shapes are moving right to left in upper line.

In 3rd box three shapes shifted to down line after shifting from right to left.


So, in the same manner,

In the 4th box, three shapes remains in down line and will shift from right to left.

Therefore, we can see triangle should be on right side.

Which is in the option number (iii) only.


In 5th box: three shapes shifted on upper line and move from right to left again.