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Target Exam





Microbes in Human Welfare


Maximum nutritional diversity is found in which of the following group?






Correct Answer:



Monera is the kingdom of bacteria and archaea. These organisms are the most diverse in terms of their nutritional strategies. Some monerans are autotrophs, which means they can produce their own food from sunlight or inorganic chemicals. Other monerans are heterotrophs, which means they must obtain their food from other organisms.

Monerans have the maximum nutritional diversity as some of them are - autotrophs - can prepare their own food (eg. Cyanobacteria) - heterotrophs - depend on others for food (eg. Escherichia coli) - saprophytes - feed on dead and decaying matter, - parasitic - live on other host cells for survival and cause, - symbiotic - in mutual relation with other organisms (eg. Anabaena ).

Here are some examples of the different nutritional strategies found in Monera:

  • Photoautotrophs: These organisms use sunlight to produce food. Examples of photoautotrophs include cyanobacteria and green sulfur bacteria.
  • Chemoautotrophs: These organisms use inorganic chemicals to produce food. Examples of chemoautotrophs include sulfur bacteria and iron bacteria.
  • Heterotrophs: These organisms obtain their food from other organisms. Examples of heterotrophs include Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

No other kingdom of organisms has the same level of nutritional diversity as Monera. This is because Monerans are the simplest and most ancient organisms on Earth. They have had more time to evolve different nutritional strategies than other organisms.

The other kingdoms of organisms are more specialized in their nutritional strategies. For example, all plants are autotrophs, and all animals are heterotrophs. This is because plants and animals have evolved to fill specific niches in the environment.

Therefore, the kingdom of Monera has the maximum nutritional diversity because it contains organisms with a wide range of nutritional strategies.