Practicing Success

Target Exam





Accounting Ratios


On the basis of the following information, answer the question.

Particulars Amount (₹)
Share Capital:  
Equity share capital (₹10 each) 12,00,000
12% Preference share capital 3,00,000
Reserves & Surplus 5,00,000
10% Debentures 12,00,000
Current Liabilities 3,00,000
Fixed Assets 28,00,000
Current Assets 7,00,000
Net profit after tax as per Statement of Profit & Loss 450000
Tax 150000
Market Price of the Share 34

To measure the short-term financial position.....................ratio can be calculated.


Gross Profit Ratio

Current Ratio

Total Assets to Debt Ratio

Proprietary Ratio

Correct Answer:

Current Ratio


Liquidity ratios are calculated to measure the short-term solvency of the business, i.e. the firm’s ability to meet its current obligations. These are analysed by looking at the amounts of current assets and current liabilities in the balance sheet. The two ratios included in this category are current ratio and liquidity ratio