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Indian Economic Development: Employment - Growth, Informalisation and Other Issues


Meenu, recently, visited her grandmother's place in Himachal Pradesh during her summer vacations. She visited her land, where she saw that in the adjoining farm 7 people were working where only 5 of them were required. She asked her grandmother, " Ammaji, why there are 7 people working in the field instead of 5?". Her grandmother replied,"Meenu, due to covid, Raju and his brother Sonu were fired from the job and also, their mother have been diagnosed with depression. Thus, in order to fulfill the basic needs of the family all are working in the field."

In the given passage, which type of unemployment is being noticed?


Structural unemployment

Disguised unemployment

Cyclical unemployment

Frictional unemployment

Correct Answer:

Disguised unemployment


In the passage, as there are more number of people working in the field than it is required, it denotes "Disguised unemployment".