Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Rise of Popular Movements


The issue of relocation and proper rehabilitation of the project-affected (Sardar Sarovar Project) people was first raised by whom?


Local Politicians

The villagers

The Opposition Party

Local activist groups.

Correct Answer:

Local activist groups.


Sardar Sarovar Project is a multipurpose mega-scale dam. Its advocates say that it would benefit huge areas of Gujarat and the three adjoining states in terms of availability of drinking water and water for irrigation, generation of electricity and increase in agricultural production. Many more subsidiary benefits like effective flood and drought control in the region were linked to the success of this dam. In the process of construction of the dam 245 villages from these States were expected to get submerged. It required relocation of around two and a half lakh people from these villages. Issues of relocation and proper rehabilitation of the project-affected people were first raised by local activist groups.