Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Influence and Group Processes


Groups function as organized systems of individuals who interact and rely on each other. They are characterized by mutual interdependence, common motives, and shared goals. Within a group, members perform specific roles and adhere to established norms that regulate their behavior. The functioning of groups involves collaboration, communication, and coordination among its members. Through these interactions, groups strive to satisfy their collective needs and achieve their objectives. The interplay of diverse perspectives, skills, and contributions within a group often leads to a positive synergy, enhancing problem-solving, decision-making, and overall performance. Effective functioning of groups relies on effective leadership, trust, cooperation, and a sense of belongingness among its members.

Which of the following is/are a feature of crowd?


crowds lack structure

crowd lacks a sense of belongingness among its members

both 1 and 2

none of the above

Correct Answer:

both 1 and 2


Groups can indeed be distinguished from other gatherings of people, such as crowds. When an accident occurs on the road and a large number of people gather, it can be considered a crowd. Crowds are characterized by the presence of individuals who happen to be at a particular place or situation by chance. Unlike groups, crowds lack structure and a sense of belongingness among its members. The behavior of people in crowds tends to be irrational, and there is typically no interdependence or coordinated efforts among the individuals.