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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Ancient History


The Yoga school of Indian philosophy is founded by whom?


Sage Gotama

Sage Vyasa

Sage Patanjali

Sage Konada

Correct Answer:

Sage Patanjali


The correct answer is Option 3- Sage Patanjali

The Yoga school of Indian philosophy is founded by Sage Patanjali.

Here are some of the major schools of Indian philosophy and their founders:

Nyaya: Founded by Sage Gautama, the Nyaya school emphasizes logic, reasoning, and epistemology.

Vaisheshika: Founded by Sage Kanada (Kashyapa), the Vaisheshika school focuses on metaphysics, atomism, and the analysis of substances.

Samkhya: Traditionally attributed to Sage Kapila, the Samkhya school explores dualistic metaphysics, distinguishing between the purusha (consciousness) and prakriti (matter).

Yoga: Founded by Sage Patanjali, the Yoga school emphasizes spiritual practices, meditation, and mental discipline to achieve liberation (moksha).

Mimamsa: Founded by Sage Jaimini, the Mimamsa school is concerned with ritual interpretation, especially regarding the Vedas, and emphasizes the importance of dharma (duty).

Vedanta: Developed from the teachings of the Upanishads, Vedanta has various sub-schools. Adi Shankaracharya is often considered a key figure in its Advaita (non-dualistic) interpretation, Ramanuja in Vishishtadvaita (qualified non-dualism), and Madhvacharya in Dvaita (dualism).

Charvaka: Also known as Lokayata, the Charvaka school is founded on materialism and skepticism. Its founders are not explicitly known but its teachings are attributed to various proponents over time.