Practicing Success

Target Exam





Medieval India: Kings and Chronicles


Who were the three semi-hereditary officers during the Mugal rule who looked after the local administration at the level of the pargana (sub-district)?

A- Mir Bakshi

B- Qanungo 

C- Subadar

D- Chaudhuri 

E- Qazi


A, B and C

C, D nad E

A, C and D

B, D and E

Correct Answer:

B, D and E


The sarkars, into which each suba was divided, often overlapped with the jurisdiction of faujdars (commandants) who were deployed with contingents of heavy cavalry and musketeers in districts. The local administration was looked after at the level of the pargana (sub-district) by three semi-hereditary officers, the qanungo (keeper of revenue records), the chaudhuri (in charge of revenue collection) and the qazi. Each department of administration maintained a large support staff of clerks, accountants, auditors, messengers, and other functionaries who were technically qualified officials, functioning in accordance with standardised rules and procedures, and generating copious written orders and records. Persian was made the language of administration throughout, but local languages were used for village accounts.