Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Business Environment


Fresh graduates of the National Institute of Fashion and Designing (NIFD), Shree and Anshu have embarked on a new venture by launching an online store for fashionable and designer clothes. Seeking guidance from seasoned entrepreneur Mrs. Monika Gosa, they learned the importance of scrutinizing the business environment, taking into account elements like investors, competitors, and external forces such as social and political factors. In response to Mrs. Gosa's advice on the evolving landscape of production and distribution methods, Shree and Anshu decided to explore the opportunities within the online retail space. Their analysis highlighted a growing trend of online shopping, indicating a cultural shift away from traditional mall-based purchases to the convenience of online transactions at any time. Acknowledging the challenges of a dynamic market—characterized by turbulent conditions, dwindling brand loyalty, and market fragmentation—the duo considered the potential of expanding internationally. Encouraged by government initiatives in export promotion, tariff structure rationalization, and foreign exchange reforms, they contemplated the prospects of tapping into global markets. Prior to finalizing their comprehensive business plan, Shree and Anshu wisely undertook a meticulous study of the latest market trends to align their product offerings with evolving consumer demands.

The statement "Mrs. Gosa knew that new and innovative methods to produce and distribute goods and services are coming up, and in such a scenario, opening an online store will prove as a successful venture" primarily highlights which dimension of the business environment?






Correct Answer:



The highlighted dimension of the business environment in the statement "Mrs. Gosa knew that new and innovative methods to produce and distribute goods and services are coming up, and in such a scenario, opening an online store will prove as a successful venture" is Technological. The emphasis is on the evolving methods of production and distribution in the context of technological advancements.