Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Safex Ltd is a company manufacturing masks. The newly appointed marketing manager of the firm has taken 'Covid Pandemic' as an opportunity to increase sales. He used a combination of tools to achieve its communication objective. He constituted 4 teams for designing these tools.

Team 1 :- The tool used by them was an impersonal form of communication which was paid for.

Team 2 :- The tool bused by them involves oral presentation of message in the form of conversation with one or more prospective customers for the purpose of making sales

Team 3 : - This team short-term incentives which were designed to encourage the buyers to make immediate purchase.

Team 4 :- This team used a non-personal form of communication which was non-paid.

All the teams successfully designed their tools and achieved their desired results.

The tool used by Team 3 was ___________


Public relations

Sales promotion



Correct Answer:

Sales promotion


The correct answer is option (2) : Sales promotion

The tool used by Team 3 to achieve their communication objectives of short-term, immediate purchase and paid communication is most likely "2. Sales promotion."

  • Sales promotion typically involves various marketing activities aimed at stimulating quick and increased sales, such as discounts, coupons, limited-time offers, and other promotional tactics. This aligns with the team's goal of encouraging buyers to make immediate purchases.

Public Relations (PR):

  • Public relations involve managing the company's image and relationship with the public. It includes activities like media relations, corporate communications, and community engagement. PR focuses on building and maintaining a positive public perception but is not typically aimed at immediate sales. Therefore, it's not the best fit for Team 3's goal of encouraging immediate purchases.

Sales Promotion :

  • Sales promotion activities are designed to boost sales in the short term. They often include tactics like discounts, coupons, contests, and other promotional strategies to incentivize customers to make purchases. This option aligns with Team 3's objective of encouraging short-term, immediate purchases.

Publicity :

  • Publicity refers to the attention and visibility a company or its products receive in the media or public eye. Publicity can be positive or negative, and it often relies on news coverage, events, or other non-paid media exposure. While publicity can impact sales indirectly, it's not a direct tool for encouraging immediate purchases, so it's not the best fit for Team 3's objectives.


  • Branding is about creating and promoting a unique brand identity and image for a company or its products. While branding is essential for long-term success and building customer loyalty, it is not typically associated with short-term, immediate purchase incentives. Team 3's goals appear to be more focused on short-term sates rather than branding.